In Tapmad’s first original web series Baarwan Khiladi, Mahira Khan took the role of...
In Tapmad's first original web series Baarwan Khiladi, Mahira Khan took the role of a producer.The series started from 5th of March 2022 and as name suggests, it is all about Cricket. The show...
International Women’s Day 2022
International Women’s Day was first recognized in 1908 when 15,000 women stepped out of their homes and paraded on the streets of New York City. They openly demanded equal voting rights, better compensation at...
ToyBricks with Creative Special Kids of Turning Point, Lahore
On 17th February, I was invited by Turning Point, a special school, where I was asked to facilitate 20 kids.We made 6 groups out of them and majority of these kids have never ever...
Sev Puri, Pav Bhaji, Chicken Lollypop, and Mumbai-Styled Chicken 65 at KPav Karachi
Last Sunday got invited to a private catering event managed by KPav Karachi, a venture by Arun Perwani.Liked the way the event was set up, but obviously what caught my attention was the food...
Maskharey Bus ka Safer, Funfilled Sightseeing, and More…
"Maskharey Bus ka Safer" was a very funfilled bus trip within Karachi, with the members of a Facebook Group Maskharey (as in Comedians), in collaboration with Socials Say.Tour started early morning of a Sunday...
Fantastic Chefs, a Fantastic Initiative for Chefs in Pakistan
It is true that the Food Industry attracts good business, but with it comes strong and often dirty challenges too, hence the reality is very different than the popular belief.On the surface, Food industry...
First Fun Visit to Poulet Fried Chicken, DHA, Karachi
We had a nice experience at Poulet. It is a new eatery open in heart of DHA Phase VI. I thought Poulet (Fried Chicken) was not officially 100% operational but turned out, yes they...
1c, The Coldest Drink, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Outlet
Ideally, the temperature of the coldest drink should be 1 Degree Centigrade, and this is what this Liquid Shop is offering, the coldest drink possible since after this, it will no longer be a...
First Karachi Marigold Festival, with Tofiq Pasha
First First Karachi Marigold Festival. Why first in 70 years I asked and the answer was, well not I was expecting but it was the voice within me somewhere too.Parks are some of my...
Tasting Amazingers from Howdys, on Halloween 2021 Halloween, HOWDY DHA Karachi introduced three new burgers. Yasir Billoo along with 4 others (myself included) were there to have the first bites of these new three "Amazingers".HOWDY DHA Karachi also decorated the...